
Hand Rejuvenation

Aging hands are one of the most visible, telltale signs of growing older. The skin (on the back of the hands especially) might not bounce back or be as full and smooth as it used to be. Combining collagen induction therapy (CIT) with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can give you fuller hands with a firmer, more youthful appearance. (PRP consists of your body’s own growth factors and stem cells. The plasma is placed under the skin of the hands to help stimulate tissue regeneration and amplify the effects of the collagen induction therapy.)

The physician performs these treatments with a micro-needler, which promotes the body’s own natural production of both collagen and elastin, the two substances most responsible for the quality, firmness and healthy appearance of the skin.

Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT)

Collagen induction therapy (CIT) is a minimally invasive skin-rejuvenation treatment to counteract fine lines and wrinkles. (It is also sometimes referred to as “micro-needling,” “percutaneous collagen induction therapy” or “dermal rolling.”)

The tool used, a micro-needler that is rolled gently atop the skin, is highly versatile. It can be adjusted to a variety of depths depending on your skin type and the kind of treatment you desire. The pressure and movement of the micro-needler stimulate the body’s natural ability to produce new collagen (which is responsible for skin support) and elastin (which controls your skin’s elasticity, or ability to “snap back” and not sag). Among its advantages is its ability to deliver results without the use of lasers or other, more invasive measures.

Find out how your hands can benefit