
Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunction. It affects as many as 1 out of 3 sexually active men and can cause a significant amount of distress, embarrassment and feelings of inadequacy. The problem can be perpetuated by the fact that many doctors dismiss it as “not a real problem.” At Bala Wellness & Aesthetics we take premature ejaculation very seriously. We provide a multitude of options for treating your premature ejaculation, with the end goal of providing you with more control of your ejaculation and more satisfying intercourse.

Our physicians begin treatment of premature ejaculation by obtaining an initial detailed sexual history and conducting a physical exam. We may test for potential underlying causes such as, low testosterone, metabolic disturbances or mild erectile difficulties, to name a few.

Treatments for premature ejaculation range from behavioral and psychological tools, to oral medications or topical agents. Topical agents decrease penis sensitivity and thereby prolong the period before ejaculation. ED drugs (Cialis, Viagra and the like), can also be effective in a subset patients.*

Even with complex cases, which may require a combination of the above therapies, premature ejaculation is indeed something that can be overcome.*

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